Prof. Hutchens and Matt Milner gave talks within an APS session entitled “Extreme Deformation of Polymers and Soft Matter I: Cavitation and Fracture” that was co-sponsored by the Polymers Division (DPOLY) and Soft Matter Group (GSOFT) and co-organized by Prof. Hutchens and Prof. Al Crosby (UMass Amherst). Prof. Hutchens presented the most recent results from the cavitation rheology technique obtained by undergraduate researcher Davin Bahk. Matt talked about the new instrument he has built to perform ballistic cavitation measurements. Their abstracts can be found in the links below:
D. Bahk, S. Yang, A. Kataruka, and S. B. Hutchens, “Ultrasoft Fracture Energies via Cavitation Rheology”
M. P. Milner and S. B. Hutchens “A Device for High-Strain-Rate Cavitation“